
The TOEIC tests - Preparing your students for employability and career success


lunedì, 28 aprile 2025


16:00 Europe/Amsterdam

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Join us for an insightful session designed for educators, where we’ll explore how the TOEIC tests can support students' career readiness and employability.

 In this webinar, you will:
✔️ Learn how the TOEIC tests assess workplace communication skills
✔️ Explore the role of English proficiency in professional success
✔️ Discover practical strategies for integrating TOEIC test prep into your teaching

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Sena Elibal İçuz

Sena Elibal İçuz is an ELT Coordinator at ETS EMEA. She is responsible for the outreach to the ELT community, offering expertise in the TOEFL iBT® test, delivering teacher training sessions and creating content. Previously, Sena worked as a university EAP instructor teaching at preparatory English programs and general English programs along with her other academic and administrative duties. She holds BA and MA degrees in English language and literature, and credentials in ELT. She is passionate about teacher professional development and increasing quality in ELT.

Celestina Cardoz Maury

Celestina Cardoz Maury is a Senior ELT Coordinator at ETS EMEA for France, born in Goa and now based in Paris. She has an extensive background in teaching, academic management, and international mobility management. She has a keen interest in teacher development, communication skills, inclusion in education, international mobilities and using literature in the ELT classroom.