
Introducing TOEIC Link: The Next Step in English Language Testing


el Martes, 22 de Abril 2025


16:00 Europe/Amsterdam

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This webinar introduces TOEIC® Link, the latest innovation in English language testing. Designed for speed and convenience, TOEIC Link provides a seamless assessment experience for learners and educators alike. We'll explore how this new test can help measure English proficiency efficiently and support learning goals. 

By attending this webinar, you will learn more about: 

• The key features and benefits of TOEIC Link 
• How TOEIC Link provides a fast and convenient assessment experience 
• How educators and organizations can use TOEIC Link to support language learning 

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Sena Elibal İçuz

Sena Elibal İçuz is an ELT Coordinator at ETS EMEA. She is responsible for the outreach to the ELT community, offering expertise in the TOEFL iBT® test, delivering teacher training sessions and creating content. Previously, Sena worked as a university EAP instructor teaching at preparatory English programs and general English programs along with her other academic and administrative duties. She holds BA and MA degrees in English language and literature, and credentials in ELT. She is passionate about teacher professional development and increasing quality in ELT.

Karina Anvarova

Karina Anvarova is a Senior sales manager at ETS EMEA, focusing on the TOEFL Young Students Series. She has a Master degree in Teaching Foreign Languages from Saint Petersburg University in Russia and a Master degree in International Business & Relations from University of La Rochelle in France. 
Karina is enthusiastic about young learners including their learning path and educational successes, as well as the digitisation of education and its' impacts on young learners. Running several projects for young learners and offering expertise on assessment literacy and data usage, she is working closely with the ETS’ research team and TOEFL Young Students Series program in Princeton USA. Karina actively contributes in schools' educational success.