
Unlocking TOEFL ITP: Benefits and Best Practices


Czwartek, 24 kwietnia 2025


17:00 Europe/Amsterdam

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This webinar explores TOEFL ITP® and how it can be used effectively to measure English proficiency. We’ll discuss the key benefits of the test, best practices for administration, and how educators and institutions can leverage TOEFL ITP to support language learning and academic success. 

By attending this webinar, you will learn more about: 

• The structure and key features of the TOEFL ITP test 
• Best practices for test administration and score interpretation 
• How TOEFL ITP can support academic and professional development 

Copyright © 2025 by ETS Global B.V. ETS., TOEFL ITP is a registered trademarks of ETS in the United States and other countries, used under license. The Eight-Point logo is a trademark of ETS. 

Dr. Taner Yapar

Taner Yapar holds a PhD in Educational Measurement and Evaluation. He has been the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages at TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETÜ), Ankara, since 2010. His expertise lies in language testing, performance assessment, item response theory and statistics. He is the Joint Coordinator of the Measurement, Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Special Interest Group (META-SIG) of TESOL Türkiye and a Founding Executive Board Member of DEDAK (Language Education Evaluation and Accreditation Board).

Additionally, he is a Certified Cambridge Assessment Trainer and has been conducting language assessment courses in cooperation with ETS in Turkey.

Sena Elibal İçuz

Sena Elibal İçuz is an ELT Coordinator at ETS EMEA. She is responsible for the outreach to the ELT community, offering expertise in the TOEFL iBT® test, delivering teacher training sessions and creating content. Previously, Sena worked as a university EAP instructor teaching at preparatory English programs and general English programs along with her other academic and administrative duties. She holds BA and MA degrees in English language and literature, and credentials in ELT. She is passionate about teacher professional development and increasing quality in ELT.