
FUNctional Assessment: Entertaining ways to evaluate language skills


Środa, 4 Grudnia 2024


15:00 Europe/Paris

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This webinar will provide teachers with a variety of activities for formative assessment in the classroom that are versatile and can be adapted to different groups and topics as needed. The focus will be on engaging students in producing English through role plays, theatre exercises, and improv games, among other activities. The goal is to inspire teachers with easy and effective methods to enhance student participation and production of target items and skills that will demonstrate where they are now in terms of achieving their language goals and how they can continue to improve. This webinar will be recorded and shared with all registrants.

Thanks to attending this webinar, you will:

• Discover a range of low-prep activities for formative assessment
• Learn how to adapt these activities for your own classroom context
• Gain insights into using role plays and games to encourage student engagement and participation in the classroom

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Marcus Siconolfi

Marcus Siconolfi is an ELT Coordinator for Spain and Portugal. Originally from New York, Marcus is now based in Madrid, where he has taught English to students of all ages and levels, focusing primarily on Business English and English for Academic/Specific Purposes in the field of higher education, in addition to his extensive experience in teacher training and development.

Peter Westerhuis

Peter Westerhuis is an ELT Coordinator at ETS EMEA. Originally from Vancouver, he is now based in Lyon. With over 12 years of teaching experience, he has taught English in Canada, South Korea, and France to students of all ages and proficiency levels. Currently, he supports and collaborates with English teachers across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.