
From "E-CLIL" to "AI-CLIL"


Piątek, 16 maja 2025


16:00 Europe/Amsterdam

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Plan wydarzenia


Building on the core principles of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), this webinar will explore the potential of technology in CLIL learning environments, focusing on its impact on student participation, engagement, and learning outcomes.

Special attention will be given to the role of Artificial Intelligence in developing and enhancing the four modes of communication outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Companion Volume, while interconnecting and integrating language competence with subject content from a CLIL perspective.

The session will also introduce examples of platforms and tools that can be implemented in CLIL classrooms, providing opportunities for hands-on exploration of "E-CLIL" and "AI-CLIL" pathways.

This webinar is specifically designed for teachers of young learners to enhance their teaching strategies and classroom engagement. 

Letizia Cinganotto

Letizia Cinganotto, former Senior Researcher at INDIRE, currently teaches language education at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, where she also serves as a Rectoral Delegate for International Relations and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Language Evaluation and Certification (CVCL). She holds a PhD in synchronic, diachronic, and applied linguistics, as well as the National Scientific Qualification as an Associate Professor. Actively involved in various national and international working groups and scientific committees, she has published numerous articles and volumes both in Italian and in English.

Karina Anvarova

Karina Anvarova is a Senior sales manager at ETS EMEA, focusing on the TOEFL Young Students Series. She has a Master degree in Teaching Foreign Languages from Saint Petersburg University in Russia and a Master degree in International Business & Relations from University of La Rochelle in France. 
Karina is enthusiastic about young learners including their learning path and educational successes, as well as the digitisation of education and its' impacts on young learners. Running several projects for young learners and offering expertise on assessment literacy and data usage, she is working closely with the ETS’ research team and TOEFL Young Students Series program in Princeton USA. Karina actively contributes in schools' educational success.