
Assess to Empower: Using Growth Mindset to Drive Student Success


Среда, 26 Марта 2025

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Программа мероприятия


Assessment should not only measure learning but also foster growth. This webinar explores how a growth mindset—the belief that abilities develop through effort and feedback—can transform assessment into a tool for student success.

We will examine how fostering a growth mindset enhances language learning, helping students embrace challenges, and take ownership of their progress. Additionally, we will discuss the role of data-driven assessment in providing meaningful insights, guiding instruction, and ensuring targeted support for learners.

Join us to discover how  integrating effective assessment strategies with a growth mindset approach can empower students to reach their full potential and succeed in their language learning journey.

This webinar is specifically designed for teachers of young learners to enhance their teaching strategies and classroom engagement.

This webinar is delivered to you in collaboration with Goal Testing BV. 

Beril Ayman Yücel

Beril Ayman Yücel has been an ELT professional for 34 years, working as an instructor, teacher trainer, textbook writer, and administrator. She holds a B.A. in ELT and an MSc in Educational Sciences from Middle East Technical University. She spent 26 years in higher education and served as Foreign Languages Director at TED Headquarters, supporting K-12 schools. Now a freelance ELT consultant and trainer, she co-coordinates TESOL Türkiye’s Teacher Education & Development SIG. Beril has led teacher training projects, presented at conferences, and published articles and book chapters.

Karina Anvarova

Karina Anvarova is a Senior sales manager at ETS EMEA, focusing on the TOEFL Young Students Series. She has a Master degree in Teaching Foreign Languages from Saint Petersburg University in Russia and a Master degree in International Business & Relations from University of La Rochelle in France. 
Karina is enthusiastic about young learners including their learning path and educational successes, as well as the digitisation of education and its' impacts on young learners. Running several projects for young learners and offering expertise on assessment literacy and data usage, she is working closely with the ETS’ research team and TOEFL Young Students Series program in Princeton USA. Karina actively contributes in schools' educational success.