
Assessment Literacy for Different Age Groups


jeudi, 27 mars 2025


15:00 Europe/Paris

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This webinar will provide insight about what assessment literacy basically is and how it differentiates for various age groups, putting emphasis on how to build assessment literacy in ELT classrooms from K12 to higher education as an important step to having meaningful and efficient assessment schemes embedded in the curriculum. There will be time for Q&A. The webinar will be recorded and shared with all registrants. 

Thanks to attending this webinar, you will:

  • Understand what assessment literacy for different age group learners is
  • Be provided with some tips to build assessment literacy in ELT classrooms
  • Observe how assessment literacy leads to effective assessment practices and contributes to a high quality of teaching and learning culture in the classroom


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Zeynep OGUL

Zeynep Oğul received her BA in ELT and MA in Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics. She has 29 years of ELT experience, 19 of which includes administrative expertise at 3 universities in Turkey. She has gained strong experience in curriculum design, curriculum-based assessment, leadership and management, teacher training and accreditation in these 29 years. Currently, she is the Academic Programs and ELT Manager in ETS EMEA.

Marta Zaninelli Ph.D.

Marta Zaninelli is an ELT Coordinator at ETS EMEA and she is based in Milan, Italy. She is responsible for outreach and support to the English Language Teachers community in Italy and throughout Europe. She holds a PhD from the Department of Linguistics and Literary Sciences of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, and has worked as an English Language teacher and Business English Adjunct Professor. She is passionate about the English Language and Literature.