
Beyond the Score Reports – Transforming TOEFL YSS Data into Actionable Insights


el Lunes, 26 de Mayo 2025


16:00 Europe/Amsterdam

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Agenda del evento


Data is more than just numbers—it’s a powerful tool for shaping student success. But how can educators move beyond scores to truly enhance teaching and learning? How can we reimagine and rethink assessment so that it becomes a tool for growth, not just a measure of performance? 

This session dives into a practical approach to using the TOEFL® Young Student Series data to enhance teaching, support student progress, and inform curriculum decisions. Through hands-on strategies and real-world examples from different countries, we’ll explore how schools can move beyond score reports to collaborate, reflect, and take meaningful action. Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, or curriculum designer, this session will equip you with the strategies and insights to turn assessment data into real learning progress.

This webinar is delivered to you in collaboration with Goal Testing BV. 

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Özgen Bağcı

Based in Italy, Ozgen Bagci is an educational consultant and teacher trainer at Goal Testing, supporting schools and educators across multiple countries. With a strong background in English language teaching, assessment, and project management,  she is passionate about  humanizing education, personalizing language instruction, and integrating playful learning into classrooms. She specializes in bridging innovative teaching methods with global perspectives to drive meaningful change in education. She is also a community lead and academy member at HundrED, a global non-profit dedicated to identifying and promoting innovative K-12 education solutions. Through her diverse roles, she collaborates with educators and institutions to develop impactful language learning programs, drive educational initiatives, and support schools in making data-driven decisions for student success.

Karina Anvarova

Karina Anvarova is a Senior sales manager at ETS EMEA, focusing on the TOEFL Young Students Series. She has a Master degree in Teaching Foreign Languages from Saint Petersburg University in Russia and a Master degree in International Business & Relations from University of La Rochelle in France. 
Karina is enthusiastic about young learners including their learning path and educational successes, as well as the digitisation of education and its' impacts on young learners. Running several projects for young learners and offering expertise on assessment literacy and data usage, she is working closely with the ETS’ research team and TOEFL Young Students Series program in Princeton USA. Karina actively contributes in schools' educational success.